Nice clue Chrise - well done! Cheers Marty, I enjoyed the clips - something different.
WPR coming up any minute - it may take your mind away from the ⚽
Congrats Chris, you got there first!
I can't believe that the one on my scrap paper was word for word, not even a variation of the theme.
Thank you for giving me your vote.
Thank you for hosting Marty. I'll look at the clips later.
Thanks for hosting BBM2 - I've never seen a double bass quintet before!
Thanks for the votes tyke51, mattrom, jono, both pauls, and especially rossim (apologies for getting in first!)
Well done Sir! Great clue. Cheers Marty for the word amd I’m looking Christ’s to the clips when I get a minute.
Thanks fir the vote JWS and for the like Jon - always appreciated.