21a. 15 lets. transforming a glen on MT Vernon has nothing to do with the authorities. n---o-e-n-e-t--. 24a. 7 lets. i spin dizzily about .then take a breath. i---i-e. 26a. 7 lets. craving to eat a scone first well buttered. g---s-e. 22d. 5 lets. fruit tree's burnt remains in norhern ireland. -----. 19d. 7 lets. pedestrian heading for arterial road - he's stupid. d---a-d.
21ac nongovernmental - anag of a glen on Mt Vernon
24ac inspire
26ac gristle - anag of its + r + leg
22d N(ash)I = Nashi - I think its a kind of pear
19d pedestrian = dull+a+rd = dullard