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11th September 2010, 03:38
For anybody still awake - this ones quite enjoyable - worth a go for 6d alone
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11th September 2010, 06:18
6d a true classic - one i'll remember always!
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11th September 2010, 08:15
Brilliant! Typical Paul. Got the answer from the definition and checked letters, then guffawed audibly as I realized the word play.
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11th September 2010, 09:54
Think I must have gone wrong somewhere cos I can't find anything to fit
10d 2 (the answer to 2d is deal) with virtual geek before short doze, as web designer
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11th September 2010, 09:57
Hi it's a proper name linked to www
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11th September 2010, 10:05
Does the "2" refer to clue 2d or the number two?
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11th September 2010, 10:09
The first six letters are a simile for 2d
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11th September 2010, 10:18
Thank you Sophie and AJT - got it now - it didn't help that I filled in SCOPE instead of GRAPH in 21a.
Never heard of him though!
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11th September 2010, 14:37
Hi - can't quite understand the answer to 9,24 across. Without giving away the answer I've got the tree,the d for died and the second rate bit and I believe I have the correct answer - how does 'test' give flower?
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11th September 2010, 14:40
Sorry - got it - it's a river not a flower if you see what I mean!
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