Whoopee! We have a clear winner.
FJ, I've attributed your vote for tyke to #26, not #28. The placing would be the same either way.
The final tally.....
1 vote; mprs 12, FJ 25, spike 27, buddy 29.
2 votes; dorrien 4, FJ 5, jimmy 16, chrise 18&20.
3 votes; paulh 6, buddy 22, spike23.
4 votes; mprs 14, paulh 17, spike24.
5 votes; buddy 2&9, dorrien 15.
The runner-up with 7 votes is tyke's 26.
This week's winner, with 9 votes is paul #8, with his comical slant on braces
Bishop hurries to pull his trousers up
Well done, paul! Your prizes are
The practical
Some sartorial advice you will never need, but the bishop might
Thanks to all.