On first reading, I thought of passing on this one but decided to give it a go. It's been painful but I've solved nearly all of the Down clues (not 1 or 9 yet) and have filled the top two rows. As I'm sure most people have done, I pencil in possible letters in cells then look for Across answers that might fit and try and retrofit them to parts of the interwoven Across clues.
I've now ground to a complete halt. I believe that I have the correct answer for 12 (5 letters) but can't parse it from the clue (other than its 2 word definition). I also have what I think is the only word that will fit the possible patterns for the 7 letter word but can't see anything that might fit it from the clue.
So, I'm looking for nudges (nothing explicit please) to resolve the two parts of 12A. A nudge on 1d wouldn't go amiss either.
Many thanks. Let me know if you need to take this over to the other thread which I've purposefully avoided so far.