That was difficul, but i will keep it clean.
Of the multi - defs, Mattrom 10,Paul 16, Mpr 36 but Jono 2 stood out
There were a few cubs on show including Mattrom 8,Mpr 11 but Paulh 24 stood out
Now we come to the BBC entries all deserving of a mention, Aristo 20, Marty 33, Dorrien 34, Jono 41 but as I'm sure you'll agree Spike2' "merchant banker" stood out
Others on the short list included
Paul's Buick 14, Buddy's old dandy 25, Penda's duck 31, Mattrom's yuck 35 and Jafo's Calvin Klein 38
My final decision is
3rd Paul 14
"American car, I bought it for cash"
2nd Jono 2
"Does mate break the rules
My winner is
Paulh 24
" Young lion turns to start killing deer"
This is an album I've been playing a lot lately,?