Thanks for all your contributions. With all votes in, and we have a clear winner!
Spreadsheets are only as good as the data put into them, so hoping this is correct;
1 vote each for mprs 5 &31, Fj 14, dorrien 19, jimmy 22, ros 36 and spike 43.
2 votes each for chrise 2, paulh 26, jono 29 and BBM2 35
4 votes for paulh 21
5 votes each for mprs 6 and paulh 24
6 votes for paul 8
Running second and third with himself is buddy, with 12 votes for #7, and 7 votes for #28.
Showing that it's useful to have a recipe up one's sleeve, is jono, scoring 30 votes with his excellent
Sailor returns with a gin fizz for another sailor
Well done, Jono! Here is your prize