Welcome to Clueless DVII, our informal weekly clue setting competition. The idea is to compose a cryptic clue for a given word or phrase.
Multiple entries may be submitted and new competitors are particularly welcome.
The winner of this week’s competition will set the word to be clued and judge the entries for next week. The judge’s decision is final and reasons may or may not be given. It is customary for the judge to donate a virtual prize to the winner.
To bring this most "interesting" year to a close, the challenge this week is:
However you can be as creative as you like in terms of including numerals (Arabic or Roman) into all or part of the solution to your clue (so 2020, 20-20, twenty20, MMXX, or anything else remotely plausible are all fair game as well). In the spirit of mathprof's side competition of a few weeks ago, feel free to create a clue suitable for a Listener numerical-type puzzle. Anything goes! Anarchy in the UK (and various former colonies)!
Clues should be submitted by 6:00 pm (UK time) on Wednesday, December 30.