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8th November 2020, 20:30
Well done Mattrom - I found your `J` for joint in Chambers so I`ve learned something new! Thanks for your vote Chrise and mention from Spike2.
Thanks for a tough challenge Paulh - my sister is 4 yrs older than me, she and her friends were good dancers, including the jive - my exploits on the dancefloor were a source of amusement to everyone but mois!
The clip brought back a few memories!
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8th November 2020, 20:31
Hi Paul, I was surprised to see that Chambers has 'joint (of marijuana)' under 'J'. I hadn't noticed it before.
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8th November 2020, 20:38
Well done, Mattrom, nice clue. Thanks PaulH.

Many thanks to Tyke51 and Jimmygtal for the votes, and to Paul for the mention. Much appreciated.
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8th November 2020, 20:41
...actually, come to think of it, RSJ is "rolled steel joist rather than "joint", in fact...
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8th November 2020, 21:08
Congrats to mattrom for the second time this week. And I had never heard of VP Day, but makes sense.

Thanks, PaulH. Fortunately you had an easy counting job.

So much easier to make jokes about the U.S. election with it going the right way.
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8th November 2020, 21:11
And I have encountered the use of “J” for joint as in “smoke a J” in the wild. I have even used it myself. Ahem, the expression that is.
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8th November 2020, 21:13
[We had a couple of bottles of prosecco, to celebrate, mprs. What an absolutely unpleasnt man Trump is!

I came across a post somewhere - here perhaps? - where an expat from England living in America took great pleasure from explaining that "trump" in England" is an alternative word for "fart"!]
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8th November 2020, 21:39
Indeed chris- and 4 years ago my granddaughter who was then 3 years old thought it really funny that the President of the USA (goodness only knows what she understood by that) should be named after a rude noise!
But we need to be remember that others may have different political opinions.
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8th November 2020, 21:52
Nice as usual, mattrom. Thanks, paulh. Liked the clip. My wife is a dancer (Graham and Limon technique, that sort of thing) and she once tried to teach me the Lindy, but ain't no rhythm in this Nordic boy's frame. Thanks so much for the vote, ginge, and for the mention, spike.

VJ Day is a state holiday in Rhode Island! It's amusing to see all the beach traffic stopped along routes lined with Toyota and Mitsubishi and Subaru dealerships.
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8th November 2020, 22:23
Well done Mattrom! Back on a (rock and) roll!
Thanks for setting Paul - tricky but a great challenge!
Thanks for the leaning Faiton and the mentions Spike and MPR - much appreciated! A Trumpectomy may yet be required...
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