Warning: This post contains a spoiler for a clue in The Times cryptic crossword 27806 (27 Oct 20). So, if you are attempting that crossword and yet to tackle that clue please read no further.
I am new to cryptic crossword solving (2 weeks a learner). I like cryptic crosswords over “normal” crosswords as you’re required to think a lot more about the clue.
The joy I get from solving a clue is great. When I read the clue, think about it (usually takes some time) and work the answer out I feel really good. I also like it when I have to look up the answer because I just cannot work it out on my own, and I think about how the answer was obtained from the clue, and I understand it, I feel pleased.
For example, and here’s the forewarned spoiler:
Intellectual encouraged absorbing sources of history and art, separately (7)
I couldn’t get this one, but one aspect of it that I “solved” that really made me feel pleased with myself was the part “absorbing sources of history and art, separately”. I guessed that sources meant the first letter (the source) of both history and art (H & A). It took a little while for me to realise that the word “separately” was telling me that the two letters I obtained (H&A) were not meant to be placed alongside one another, but rather they were to be separated.
Despite solving that bit, I was not able to come up with the answer, and so I looked it up.
The answer was Egghead.
At first, I couldn’t understand the egg part of the clue as I saw no apparent food reference in the cryptic clue. Then it struck me: to encourage is to egg. Seeing as the word encouraged was past tense, I guessed that egg in this sense would be past tense too. So, egged. Insert the separated H & A into egged and I saw egghead. Awesome.
As I said, I did have to look up the answer, but I never feel despondent about having to do that as I do learn so much from looking at the answer, looking at the clue, and understanding how the answer is obtained from the clue. I feel this serves a purpose in helping me to understand cryptic clues, and to be able to spot indicators etc.
If I had attempted that answer two weeks ago, I would have not understood any part of it. But now that I have been studying how to solve cryptic clues I am starting to recognise certain key elements to solving them.
A real sense of achievement for me.
What do you like abut cryptic crosswords?