....and it started off so well:-)
Seriously though, I got 1a straight away (when you see it you'll know why) and that was quickly followed by 2d and 4d (although I had to check the "diver" part) and so, naturally, I thought I was on for a quick solve - how wrong I was!
I first ran in to trouble with 5a, where I had a word that fitted a definition but couldn't see any relationship to Dr Crippen, then I saw 5d! I'm still not exactly sure what's going on but I'll hopefully have a PDM (Penny Drop Moment) if I keep looking.
I began to wonder if I'd even finish but luckily there are a couple of long anagrams in the acrosses, but be warned, there's a letter substitution in one and the other only appears in only one anagram solver that I could find, and the end word is not in Chambers.
Actually, technically speaking this is a DNF because I'm still not sure about 26a - it's odd because there are only a handful of words that fit my letter pattern and none seem to match a definition.
In addition, I'm still unsure what part "murderer" plays in 13a - my answer would still be the same without it, although it wouldn't read so well.
COD - Some good contenders, 23a and 22d are both short but have lovely surfaces and 9a made me laugh but I'm going with 14a.
Thanks to Puck for a challenging crossword.
I'm glad to say we had more first-time posters last week so let's see if we can keep the trend going - there are always people willing to help if you get stuck.
Stay safe:-)