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20th October 2020, 22:29
myrm, welcome

Something I've found very helpful over the years is to keep a book of "things to know". The one I have is intended for an address book and has lined pages with a cut out alphabet down the side. So every time (well, most anyway) I see a new one, I write it in.
Easy examples are the word "Judge" in a clue can mean the letters "ref" (referee). So I put entries under J and R. "Sailor" can mean the letters AB or TAR. (question to those who know (!) - also RN?)
The other day I found that "gym" or PE can mean "Y" in American crosswords, derived from YMCA. References to guns can mean the letters "BB" because that's what airguns there are called. Who knew?
There are loads of these, I could never remember them all
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21st October 2020, 07:52
Hi mathprofrockstar

Thank you so much for your warm welcome, and for your encouragement to come here. It is truly appreciated.
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21st October 2020, 07:54
Hi Rosalind

Thank you. Your suggestion of a notebook to keep such "things to know" in. It's a great idea and one I certainly will do.

Oh yes, I am familiar with "AB" and "Tar". I was 24 years in the Royal Navy. :-)
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