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19th October 2020, 11:45
Would anyone have any pointers on 32 ac (I have ?an?e) and 27 dn (I have ?e?le), please?

As I don't have a starting letter for either it makes consulting my elderly Chambers a mammoth task.
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19th October 2020, 11:51
32 Is the usual word for Hamlet's nationality, with a usual 'one' inside. The answer is a princess of Argos, mythology stuff.

PS It's always good to give the clues, then those without a copy can help.
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19th October 2020, 12:12
27d is an old word for wimple/veil. 'Come to light' - re at the front and d at the end.
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19th October 2020, 12:15
32a isnt in Chambers. Her father was told he would have no sons but she would and her son would kill him. So, being a reasonable chap he locked her up.....
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19th October 2020, 14:04
Thank you both.
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23rd October 2020, 06:53
Can anyone advise me on 26 across please?

The clue is: Have a rinse up north in basin with 14 (4)
As it's late in the week (and there are no prizes) I think I can add answers. 14 is douche. There are two alternative fits for 26: one with second letter I and one with Y.

Has anyone else struggled with this?
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23rd October 2020, 08:16
Put that answer after 'basin' and you'll see it, williamseal.
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23rd October 2020, 11:08
Thanks drxx

Is it just adding a 'd' to sin? If so it's a week due form the master setter. Or have I missed something? Your nudge is appreciated.

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