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19th October 2020, 09:43
Can anyone help me parse the following solution?

21A Long time coming to the point

I get that "era" (long time) is in there, but can't see how the rest of it works or even what the definition works.

One other:

22A They have to wait for his money

Could this be SERVANT?
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19th October 2020, 09:55
21a long = yearn ....time = year+ coming to point N(North)

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19th October 2020, 10:59
22 Would work correctly if the clue said 'He' rather than they. Servant is fine for someone having to wait, tend/look after, for a living.
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19th October 2020, 13:24
Thanks xwordfan! I hadn't clocked 'point' for North.
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19th October 2020, 21:04
Thanks Malone!
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