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7th October 2020, 19:48
You were being sarcastic ....... there was no need for it !
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7th October 2020, 19:55
Is there, by any chance, a prize for this quiz?
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7th October 2020, 19:58
Yes, there is chrise, but that's not the point. All I did was to request an answer to a clue.
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7th October 2020, 20:00
I wouldn't submit an entry to a prize quiz if I had been given an answer on a help site - would you?
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7th October 2020, 20:01
Prizes for first 4 are £100, £75, £50 and £25 and 6 further prizes of £10 each.
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7th October 2020, 20:03
Yes I would, ...... and I wouldn't be the only one. Surely you're not naive enough to think others don't !
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norah (admin)

7th October 2020, 20:04
Mostyn and Aldobear

Can you please both stop behaving like children in the playground.

A Forum User is quite entitled to ask for help on any quiz or crossword he/she chooses and there is nothing in our Rules which states that a closing date is required to be given.

A lot of our regulars do not respond to quizzes with a date several months away but again that is their choice.

Aldobear, could I ask you please not to make unfounded, and probably incorrect, accusations against another Forum User, that is not in the spirit of our friendly Forum.

Now let’s have some calm, no more arguing.

Chris, I thought the same as you about contestants entering with answers they had been given until I read somewhere that 100 people paying £1 to enter a quiz with a ‘given’ answer is better than not entering because the Charity would miss out on £100, worth thinking about.

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7th October 2020, 20:05
There's nothing more to be said.
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7th October 2020, 20:07
aldobear ..... my apologies. Thank you Norah for telling me to behave. I'm old enough to know better. Sorry.
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norah (admin)

7th October 2020, 20:12
Mostyn, ha, ha, Norah
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