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29th September 2020, 09:54
No 35 US transport that was plain or chosen otherwise (7,8)

No53 No pretence about team leader breaking up the fifty men having a row. (11)
Hints would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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29th September 2020, 10:05
Mclaren, there are at least three other threads on this puzzle. Norah, the site administrator, has posted to advise that these should be kept to one if possible. It's too late now for that, but I think yet another thread is one too many!
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norah (admin)

29th September 2020, 11:25
Thank you Malone.

Please do not reply to this thread.

Mclaren, can you please post your query in the existing thread.
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29th September 2020, 14:45
I have heard this criticism before and have taken it on board. However I am pretty new to this forum and in actual fact I thought I had logged into the existing On Board thread instead of which it resulted in a new thread. I hope this explanation turns up in the right place - if not perhaps you can let me know where I am going wrong?

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norah (admin)

29th September 2020, 16:10
Mclaren, I’m sorry but I didn’t realise you were a new user.

When you go into the Forum, click on the heading of the thread you want to read. Underneath each post you will see a link REPLY TO THIS POST. Click on that and the box comes up in which you type your message.

If you are asking a new question, then just type your query.

If you are specifically replying to a person who made a post, I suggest you address them by their user name as the Forum itself does not show which post you are replying to.

I hope this helps. Try copying and pasting your query into the existing Thread, good luck.

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