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Crossword Help Forum
Forum Rules

norah (admin)

26th September 2020, 08:38
Once again, can I please ask all our Forum Users to stop creating duplicate threads for one subject. If a thread already exists, please post your query in that thread. Thank you.

For instance, on the first page today there are two threads headed All Abroad and two for Linkword.

I know the Forum isn't over busy just now but I would still like to keep to one thread per subject. Thanks for your co-operation.

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26th September 2020, 08:48
Three for "all aboard" in fact, Norah - it's the Rainbow Quiz.

I question whether we should be giving answers for this prize puzzle, which has a closing date of the end of November.
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norah (admin)

26th September 2020, 09:26
Chris, you may well be right about giving answers but I don't feel I can monitor the Forum to the extent that I can say 'you shouldn't be asking this question or that question'. All I can suggest is that you make your point in the relevant threads.

I did see your separate thread about this very point, perhaps you would have been better posting in the thread itself.

Thanks, I didn't realise Rainbow and All Abroad were one and the same thing. I'll keep an eye open, I don't want to get too draconian but the answer might be for me to delete duplicate threads.

Or don't you consider duplicate threads to be a problem?
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26th September 2020, 09:30
They do irritate me too, Norah. It's been better recently, but I do recall a weekend last year or the year before when there were 16 different threads on the same Times puzzle!
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26th September 2020, 10:04
Hi Norah

Duplicate threads have not been too much of a problem lately.
As Chris says it used to be overwhelming.
It's seems to be newbies that do it without realising and and I'm sure regular posters can point it out to them.

Regarding the quiz requests.
It's up to us not to give answers to these if we think they are asking too early or if the setter has specifically asked them not use the forum.

Thanks for all you do. I'm sure you do enough already!
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norah (admin)

26th September 2020, 10:14
Thanks Chris and Rossim. I wish you had emailed me about your concerns about duplicate threads, particularly the Times issue, I had no idea it was that bad.

I'll keep an eye on the situation for now but please contact me have any concerns in this respect.

Rossim, I think your approach to early quiz answers is the right one, just don't give answers.
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26th September 2020, 10:58
The only problem with posting on a thread that's already there is that the puzzle may already be days old, people tend to ignore it and soon it is at the bottom of the page and no help has been given. if the same puzzle needs help within a few days then yes keep to one thread, but after 3 or 4 days maybe not....?
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26th September 2020, 11:03
Fair point Kirky, but there shouldn't be too many like that.
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28th September 2020, 15:26
Thanks, Norah...

and a reminder of this thread's message.
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