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20th September 2020, 14:54

I normally quickly polish off the Inquisitor as a warm up for the Listener, but this one is proving a little more troublesome than usual. I've pretty much finished the endgame, but am still struggling on a couple of things. They include the parsing of 36d and everything to do with 27 down.

As an aside, I can't believe how just one additional letter can make it so much harder for me to solve an anagram. The themed words in the down clues have taken me forever...

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20th September 2020, 14:58
SusannahJ, in 36 Down, 'sorry' is the anagram indicator, to be used when the long word has 'benefit' removed. The last two words are the definition.
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20th September 2020, 14:59
36 anagram the long word after removing the letters in BENEFIT

27, chief and board are 2-letter abbreviations, rowers are also what they use to row. 2nd word in clue is extra.
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20th September 2020, 15:00
SusannahJ, in 27 Down, two of the first three words form the definition. There's the usual 'chief', the usual 'rowers' , the latter having 'board' inside .

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20th September 2020, 15:11
I knew I could rely on you two, so thanks Buddy and Malone. The indian word was a new one for me, but I should have seen the anagram for 36d!

Hopefully, I can take it from here without needing to pick your formidable brains again, but I'm not making any promises... I might be back!
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20th September 2020, 15:12
SuzannahJ, glad we could help. This puzzle was a delight!
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21st September 2020, 10:31
Agreed that this is a fabulous puzzle, with so many different elements to think about. I'm just about done now, apart from 11a. I thought I had the answer, but mine doesnt have a 'c' in it, which I need for the endgame.

I also can't parse 16a, which I'm hoping has an extra word with a 'u' in it.

Oh, and the four hidden words in the grid - is one of them just hidden in another of them?

Suzy x
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21st September 2020, 10:36
Hi Suzannah,

11a anagram of "at" (i)n "cue" - there is an extra word.

16a yes, extra word. It's "regional" and "authority" with "vacancies"
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21st September 2020, 10:39
Suzy, re the 4 words - yes, that's what I've got, two of them ovelapping.
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21st September 2020, 10:42
Good work Brendan! I can put this one to bed now...
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