Firstly, thanks for all of the entries. What a great selection of anagrams, homophones, Spoonerisms, hiddens etc. I admit that I probably wouldn’t recognise an &Lit if it bit me but I’ll do my best to give a few comments.
Lots of smiles on my list of all the submissions, Buddy and his rolling eastern chap, Jafo’s cocaine, heroin and e popping The Verve, FJ’s cheap n’ nasty strut (great anagram indicator!) and his dad’s bumping and grinding.
Mattrom weighed in with 4 of the usual high quality. I liked the use of panacea @32 but worried about using ‘every’ to indicate ‘ea’ It took a while for the penny to drop for the hen’s feathers @6 but the use of ‘plume’ reminded me of AZED and his Chambers expertise.
Fiery pitched in with 3 in a row showing élan, aplomb and style and I enjoyed the grind/gnash of the dad dancing @14. Having had no dancing apaches, balance was more than restored @27 with his cheap n’ nasty strut. Clearly a whizz on the dance floor!
BigBadMarty was the only one to go gold prospecting @28 and ended up with pan ache.
Another one with pan ache may be Paul’s dad @17 if he can cook with style. Lovely surface. His dad’s efforts produced the hot canapés served up @18. He probably flipped the pancakes @35 too. (Not sure about the k=kosher though).
MPRS was off to Panama @12, lost his ma but found Che, Tyke @26 and PaulH @31 were off to the bookies clutching a betting slip for the hot favourite. PaulH lost his shirt so had to go back in the kitchen with Paul’s dad and toss a few crepes @51.
Meanwhile poor Jono was surrounded by rather annoyed native American tribes who claimed he’d switched the labels on the hot and cold taps @39. Happily the plumber arrived @50 and produced a very respectable solution! Jono then went back to the kitchen crew and skinned some fish @21.
ChrisE was chilly so lit a fire then had to clean out the pan ash while Aristophanes was getting annoyed with the politically correct @36 and Dorrien was getting pain from the critics@19.
Faiton thought he was better off out of it all so popped over to France for a panaché @20. This was actually one of my very biggest favourites and I agonised long and hard over the use of a French word for shandy that is not in Chambers.
So, apart from that my favourites were:
BBM@28 with - Dash it is the gold prospector's complaint! (7)
Paul@7 with - My father - he can cook with style! (7)
Fiery@14 with - An audience for dad to grind with style (7)
Mattrom @6 - Feathers of a hen worn with cap (7)
My winner is:
Paul@17 with
My father – he can cook with style! (7)
Nice, smooth, amusing surface and efficient. Good anagrind with cook.
I originally planned to use ‘chutzpah’ as the set word but thought it was a bit limiting other than a shack in Czechoslovakia etc. However, the prize demonstrates (in my opinion) PANACHE.
Thanks again for taking part and apologies if I’ve missed anyone out.