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david w

18th August 2020, 13:05
Having looked up the solution I can fit it to the clue below. But is there a logical method to go the other way, to get to the solution from the clue?

Ignoramus stood in rear? No, no, no no! (6)
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18th August 2020, 13:16
Extremely tough. I guess given there are four words and four no’s, you might deduce that you need to create the opposite of each word to find the true clue and work from there. It’s rather good once you know the answer!
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18th August 2020, 13:22
I often solve clues by finding a word that fits the crossers and/or the definition and then work backwards!
This was a particularly hard one to solve blind.
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18th August 2020, 13:25
May I ask where this is from?
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david w

18th August 2020, 13:40
Thanks for these replies. The puzzle was No 2972 in the i yesterday.

I do often use the "rossim method" on i puzzles but I don't like it as it does lose the point of a cryptic puzzle.
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