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13th August 2020, 18:57
Really? Not very common U.S. slang if you ask me. I've never heard it in all my 50+ years. Certainly, the first four letters, but over here the six-letter word pretty much would mean a blunder as well.
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13th August 2020, 19:10
Yogi Bear had a friend called that I think...
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13th August 2020, 19:12
But he was smart, or had a conscience at least.
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13th August 2020, 20:34
Quite so, mathprofrockstar.

I think I've found out why Doc used this dubious "stupid fellow" definition. There's an ambiguity in older editions of Chambers - mine from 1998, for instance - as to which meaning the 6-letter form applies to. This is clarified in more recent editions - 2008, for example - by the simple insertion of a semicolon, showing that it applies solely in the sense of a "blunder", not a "stupid fellow".
14 of 19  -   Report This Post


14th August 2020, 12:20
All done bar one. I'm missing a stop on my Express route.

19d, a four letter port of which I have three, and no matter how hard I look I can't find it.

Please help while I still have some hair left.

Thanks in anticipation,

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14th August 2020, 12:38
Could you have a letter wrong? They are all on the Wiki page for the subject.
(Sorry don't have puzzle with me)
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14th August 2020, 12:54

19d isn't one of the unclued lights.
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14th August 2020, 12:55
Estupido! I've already got them all, I lost the clue for 19d when I printed the crossword.

Thanks again,

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15th August 2020, 08:50
I doubt whether many people south of the 48th Parallel are familiar with this bunch of unspellables. For those still struggling I would say work out the start to 40 across and this will suggest what sort of reference book you need to start hunting in.
(Apologies Winston for the terminal preposition.)
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