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10th August 2020, 06:58
I've still got a handful of clues to go but, so far, it's been a relatively straightforward solve and finding the extra words has also been quite painless. That said, with three options for each required letter, I thought I'd better start this thread in the almost certain knowledge I'll need it later:-)
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10th August 2020, 07:38
...and just got the three unclued entries - thanks to Google, as I'd never heard of this outing, but I imagine it could be quite popular.
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10th August 2020, 07:58
Hi Brendan, where can I find the EV, do you need a Telegraph subscription? I’ve not done it before but it sounds interesting
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10th August 2020, 08:39
All complete with the parks and the route joining them all highlighted. There are two or three I can't fully parse but I'll have a look at them again later.

Hi Jono,

I get sent mine by a very kind Forum member but otherwise you would need a Telegraph subscription or to buy the Sunday edition. In terms of style it's like the Inquisitor and the Listener and , as such, the level of difficulty can vary quite a lot.
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11th August 2020, 04:36
Correct me if I'm wrong, but there's no need to highlight the parks in question, is there? I came on the forum to make the point that, apart from removing one word in each clue so that the clue makes sense, the 3 letters picked out from each removed word are really surplus to any requirements for completion of the puzzle. Indeed, the weeding out of the names of the 3 National Parks involved from those letters is tedious in the extreme, and if you have the theme already, which 99.9% of solvers will have, what's the point?
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11th August 2020, 10:27
Turast, you are quite right that the park names are superfluous, but I thought it would be fun to find them and in each case they could be identified after the first few letters, so it wasn’t at all tedious. And of course it can be useful to have a check on the parsing!
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11th August 2020, 11:33
I’ve got a full grid and the highlighting but can’t work out the “theme parks” from the letters of the extra clue words. I know it’s not needed for a correct submission but I like a complete puzzle.

I’ve got “usually” as the extra word in 10a and “poker” in 12a. Is this correct? Just to get me started. Thank you.
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11th August 2020, 11:54
That's what I have, Cloverjo. I was puzzled by this step until I remembered that the unclued entries supply 1 letter.
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11th August 2020, 11:55
...or don't supply, but 1 letter must be allowed there.
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11th August 2020, 12:05
Thanks, mattrom. I’ll have another go.
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