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27th July 2020, 21:35
I won't be alone on this forum in having received the sorry news from Richard Heald that Azed's - already once postponed - 2,500th bash in Oxford has been postponed, due to Wolfson College's Covid rules - which I'm sure are very prudent.

Such a lot of work had gone into v.1 and v.2 of this event, it's terribly unfortunate.

Richard was honourable enough to refund all moneys by return without quibble and even enclosed a special puzzle that had been planned for the day.

Decency is alive and well and living in Azedshire!

On the subject of a fresh date to celebrate Azed's milestone/s he says, with a wistful smile, 'it'll be his 50th anniversary in 2022!'

I hope all us Azed fans can support him when the opportunity arises.
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