Thanks for all your entries this week. Not a bad turnout after a slow start - 24 clues from 10 setters.
Welcome to Jono with his/her erudite debut entries. It's good to see dorrien again, or is it just a lightening visit?
I enjoyed the homophones from chrise 2 and dorrien 22, the acrostics from richardk 6&7 and tyke 31.
Liked "shyster" in aristo 2 and jono 9, the anagrams from richardk 13, FJ14, paulh 32, the subtractive anagrams from richardk15, FJ 27, paulh 24, jono 28.
As runners-up I have paulh 4, richardk 7 (I like the plurality of 'starts' as an indicator), ginge 12.
Perhaps because it spins a yarn, I've chosen FJ's 19 as the winner.
Mass possibly where converted atheists pray to forget the past
Well done, FJ. Here is your prize.