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26th July 2020, 03:16
Hi Dscutler,

How are things in Washington? I see the presidential rallies have been cancelled.

11a is a homophone of a word meaning "chop up" (as in preparing food) and a homophone of a word meaning "treat" (as in 'cure') joined by a contraction/homophone of "and" ('n) - definition is "something made of leather" ( think 1960's clothing/footwear)

12a How would you make "newman" become "man" or "man" would be "newman" but ??? ????

21a my answer (which may or may not be correct) is the plural of what a "tusk" is and can also mean "power" (as in he/she has some power or he/she has some "............."
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26th July 2020, 03:22
12a definition is a slang term meaning "a lot" but I don't know if it's commonly used in America?
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26th July 2020, 03:39 it...
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26th July 2020, 03:48
..and since you enquired, things are still serious here in DC--we have 581 deaths and phase 2 of reopening has been postponed after a moderate loosening last week seems to have increased positive cases..
Trump continues to be a disaster. Earlier this evening my wife said 'if that bastard wins again, we are going to live in England...'
BTW I am actually English but came here in 18968 to work for the IMF. This often means that I am a bit out of touch with things like Tv shows or footballers or pop groups in the UK--and, yes, in the last fifty years a number of phrases or catchwords have developed that I have not heard.
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26th July 2020, 05:45
Morning all,
Fairly straight forward today I thought. I also scratched my head over 21a and 22d but you have it as I see it below.

Did you notice that 1a is Cockney rhyming slang for 27a. Pretty sure that’s deliberate.

[Re last week’s Everyman, I note the Shuttle/Scuttle debate rages on over at 225. Personally I think the blog has it wrong. They also went with White Russian as a reference to those on the anti-communist side. I think that’s right.]
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26th July 2020, 05:50
PS I really hope that isn’t a spoilers the rhyming slang. I don’t think many will know it so I hope not, apologies in advance if it is
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26th July 2020, 08:08
Well it did a bit thanks!!!
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26th July 2020, 08:34
Enjoyed this week, most of them fell into place, last one in was the Man/Newman clue.
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26th July 2020, 08:47
Yes, mostly straightforward this week but 22D’s parsing still puzzles me. I can’t see the usual reference to Spain in it. As Mathi says, the usual phrase is 3,1,2,2.
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26th July 2020, 09:10
Cymro, E (Spain) is removed from the anagram.
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