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22nd July 2020, 07:32
Today's Guardian, set by Brummie:

Energy-packed NCO material (9)

Would it have had a chance? Brummie isn't noted for the quality of his surfaces!
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22nd July 2020, 08:44
Very similar to that of Kt17 @ #4 . . which received honorable mentions
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22nd July 2020, 08:57
It's a nice, efficient clue but Peer Review winners are, effectively, 'Clue of the Day' level. It would me quite interesting to see a crossword constructed from Peer Review and Clueless words/winners. Would the standard make it 'Puzzle of the Decade' or would the various styles make it too uneven? Hmmm....
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22nd July 2020, 10:01
I was considering a similar clue, but I thought Kt's #4, although using the same structure, had a better surface and an element of wit.
Granama, some time back, Les40, an "old" contributor, used to compile a crossword here called Joint Effort.
He composed the grid and allocated about 3 words to various contributors (not necessarily winners), to write a clue.
Mainly before my time, unfortunately. I thought it would be interesting to guess who set which clue.
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22nd July 2020, 10:48
Thanks Mattrom, I've found the 2014 one. Might have a go when I get chance to print it.
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22nd July 2020, 13:26
The amount of work Les40 put into compiling the Joint Effort crosswords was tremendous.
I really enjoyed writing clues for my allocated words and solving those of the other contributors.
There was a particularly memorable one where he intersected four different crosswords. I'll see if I can find it later.
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22nd July 2020, 21:13
I have my own record of the clues I set but for some reason I don't seem to be able to download the crosswords.

I think the one I was referring to was Feb 2013 but all the JE crosswords are enjoyable and there in Search if you're able to print them.

Several of the contributors are still regular visitors to this forum.
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23rd July 2020, 01:45
I've just printed out the February 2014 JE. It will keep me busy for a while. I see that the clues are attributed to their composers, which is a bit of a help as to the style of the clue.
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23rd July 2020, 09:40
You should recognise some of the names Mattrom.
I can't believe it was that long ago.
I'd only just started composing cryptic clues then and Les40 was a great help.
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