Thanks, If the words to fill 13/25 are thematic, then the clue at 13/15 is also thematic, surely?
Also, I have 6d as a Muslim prince, but can’t parse? Am I right.
I’m done now! Tough.
22 is clued by 30 as you probably know. Obscure thematic but clue is fairly straightforward, famous Japanese thing followed by slang ‘cheers’.
23 down has a misprint in first word.
6d Scottish for 'off' = the middle 3 letters of the answer.
22a is thematic - the clue is lower down (answer starts with sacred site in Japan - 4 letters).
23d - [misprint in 1st word] 'wedding?' suggests CE (church) joins together the 3 letters giving - 'because of' + D.
Anyone know the correct procedure for entering answers to clues that are split over two or more lights (e.g. 13,25 across this month) or am I being needlessly anxious?
(Apologies if this is a tediously regular query.)