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15th June 2020, 06:52
10 ac Old mariner making a delivery (7)

I first entered BOWLING after the sea song about Tom Bowling. Quite a valid solution, I think. Anyone else have the idea? Realised eventually that ORATING is intended.
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15th June 2020, 07:07
Paul.…, that sounds quite a valid, logical solution, but I think the song is relatively obscure, unknown.
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15th June 2020, 08:14
In that case not enough people over the years have watched the 'Last Night of the Proms'!
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15th June 2020, 08:21
That's a fair point, paul - but surely 'Old mariner' on its own isn't enough to indicate the character in a song, shanty?
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15th June 2020, 08:34
Agreed, Malone. I admit the idea is far-fetched. I am just amused by the tenuous ambiguity of solution. It certainly delayed my completion of the top left quadrant.
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15th June 2020, 09:03
Thanks, paul… I'm sure that with a bit of tweaking, your Bowling could have worked, but it's too much of a stretch for the clue as it is.
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