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27th May 2020, 08:41
all ansers contain an animal or a bird
a B R on the S E
could be a book, a song, a phrase etc
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27th May 2020, 09:50
This is from a no asking quiz. Which bit of "no asking" don't you understand?
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27th May 2020, 09:51
Brainless thinks asking on here is OK. It is not the first time
Comment from setter
Please try to avoid the temptation to ask for answers on the Internet. I KNOW that some of you failed to do this last time!
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27th May 2020, 11:15
I notice that Susie is back on another thread!
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27th May 2020, 12:46
Yes, and now Brainless is helping Susie!
Both of them seemingly ignoring the instructions laid down for their respective quizzes!
Such a pity to flout the requests of the setters.
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27th May 2020, 13:21
Is the message that:

1. People shouldn't ask here for help with charity quizzes.

2. People shouldn't ask here for help with charity quizzes until a certain point after the issue date or before the closing date.

3. People shouldn't ask here for help with prize crosswords or quizzes until a certain point after the publication date or before the closing date.

4. People shouldn't ask here for help if the setter/publisher of the crossword or quiz has requested that they don't.

...or all of the above, some combination of the four, or something else?
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27th May 2020, 13:35
People can do whatever they like but some people luckily won't answer if they know more details. They ask on here because no one has ever said they should give the details. This is called the Crossword Forum which is different from quizzes completely so when quizzes are asked no one knows what the setter has requested or the closing date
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27th May 2020, 13:37
I would ignore any quiz that used the phrase "animal or bird" anyway!
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