A friend of mine has set me some tricky cryptic clues as part of a game we are playing in lockdown. Normally her puzzles are more code based...but this time she has come up with what look like cryptic crossword clues and I have NO idea what to do with them. I've never solved a crytpic crossword clue in my life - I'm not clever enough for that! Hence, I've come to beg your wisdom. All I have is the following clues:
1) I would drown in auburn waves turned white
2) 9 kay B4 you go.
3) Fuschia Skinless Clouds
4) Be a tiger, catman, Howl
5) Intra-assemblage/Intra-assemblage/Intra-assemblage
He also sent the following...but I have no idea if they are linked to the above or not:
022100 2x2200
4x4400 577600
799800 9x9900
11x11 11 00 0 14 14 13 0 0
I'd really like to understand not just the solution, but how they are reached so I can learn for next time :)
Thank you so much!