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david w

21st May 2020, 13:10
I know I'm going to regret asking ... but:

Jammed finger in fridge perhaps (5, 4)

S?I?S ?O?L

The answer seems to be swiss roll, which could account for 'jammed' or 'jammed finger', but how does the rest work?
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21st May 2020, 14:01
I think it's just one of those where the whole clue is the definition, with no real division of wordplay and definition.
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david w

21st May 2020, 14:04
So it's just that you might keep a swiss roll in a fridge if it has fresh cream as well as jam? Pathetic. But thank you malone!
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21st May 2020, 14:04
I was wondering if there was a typo and it should be bridge - a Swiss Roll was the name given to a portable pier/bridge resembling such when rolled-up for transportation.
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21st May 2020, 14:19
DavidW, yes - I thought the same, that it wasn't very good! I think the 'fridge' part is not great, not even accurate - Swiss rolls don't have to be kept in the fridge.


The clue definitely had 'fridge' on its earlier outing. I think these puzzles are old/past ones, from the Independent.
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21st May 2020, 15:18
Cheers malone.
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