Very happy to agree with other comments. Struggled with a few which was frustratingly good. Agree 16a is a good COD but I do like 2d because the clue to me read like a regular sentence. Cannot work out how to parse 20a even though I have the solution. Best joke of the week is p32 of Private Eye on Matt Hancock. Hope it does not offend.
Sorry, yevrah!
Take the letters of "legs" out of "Hansel and Gretel", then make an anagram of the reaminder.
Actually, I didn't check that it works - just guessed the answer!
Hi Brendan. Pleased to say I have managed to complete today's crossword. It was great fun. However I only guessed at 12a! I have no idea on parsing. Grateful for any hints please. Many thanks.
Baffled by 6a and 21d. 6a — I have the 2nd and 4th letters. 21a — I had a different idea for unpleasant odor but can see how the right one fits with ancient pottery.