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18th April 2020, 01:17
In the past I've never really paid much attention to the particular setter of a crossword, although I know that people have their favourites. I only mention this because there's a special instruction this week informing us that this is Paul's first puzzle, published in the Guardian 25 years ago, with some clues updated. And what a puzzle it is...

This is the cleverest and wittiest Guardian Prize I've ever done. As I was going along I was making a note as to what would be my COD, but after I'd put asterisks next to at least five clues I gave up.

There's a clue made up of six different abbreviations and acronyms. Another contains an anagram of a previous answer. There's a reverse charade clue that utilises an instruction to stutter!. Two clues contain the word "Jack", with different parsings for both.

COD I've decided on 10a. I know homophones can be somewhat divisive but this one did make me smile.

It's a long time ago, but does anyone remember this the first time round?

Thanks Paul for a fantastic crossword and congratulations on reaching 25 years:-)
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18th April 2020, 01:51
Paul's been a favorite of mine, but have been doing Guardian puzzles for less than 10 years.
I often don't enjoy "retro" crosswords, took a while to warm to this one, but it is excellent.
10 is LO not yet I, still haven't figured it out. Favorites 11 and (12,3).
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18th April 2020, 01:56
Hi Geeker,

I agree, 11a and 12,3 are excellent and were both contenders for my COD.
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18th April 2020, 05:54
I didn’t know that Paul has been setting crossword puzzles for twenty five years. This old puzzle from Paul is really nice. I remember doing a clue with the Finland’s original name very recently, like in 1d. The stutter required in 17a is funny. For the weird fish name in 10a, we definitely need to look up the dictionary.
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18th April 2020, 06:10
Hi Mathi,

I thought the reference to Finland's original name rang a bell. It's strange, I don't think I'd ever heard the name before a couple of weeks ago, and now it's appearing for a second time! At 10a I just pronounced it as I think 'Ma'am' might say it and then looked it up in the dictionary, although I'm sure I've seen that particular fish before.
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18th April 2020, 08:26
Th fish is the commoner name for the most famous crossword fish.
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18th April 2020, 09:29
I know he has a lot of fans but recently I don't enjoy crosswords by Paul and groan if I see him as the setter. I'm sure I wasn't this way with him when I first started seriously doing crosswords about 5 years ago, and looking at this gem from 25 years back I can see he was really good.

As others have said lots of great clues here, I love the surface / answer to 20.

I still haven't got 12,3 and I do struggle with answers that go in 2 grid locations that cross as the missing crossers make it harder, the 4,4 ones are the worse.

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18th April 2020, 09:42
Hi Minty,

20a did make me laugh and, as you say, it has a really smooth surface.

I know what you mean about the split clues, the ones I dread are those where it's just one word spread over two different rows or columns.
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18th April 2020, 11:58
Enjoyable from Paul today (or 25 years ago).

Can anyone help with the parsing of 25ac? I have a plausible answer but can't see why.
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18th April 2020, 12:00
Hi Danf,

Definition is "Scottish town" and it's a three letter word for "appearance" inside two N(ews)
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