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8th April 2020, 09:20
Can anyone share something on this puzzle, which was straight forward, however...
34 across
Few fault fine organised foreign air force
Clear anagram answer, but needs adjustment, in accordance with the theme, to five letters. It does not seem to result in a five letter word that I can find in the dictionary or using google. Have I made a mistake somewhere?

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8th April 2020, 09:22
Williamseal, I'm sure you've got the correct answer. Not all of the treated answers result in real words.
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8th April 2020, 09:38
Thanks Malone
This is reassuring. Hope that you are keeping safe - your interventions are always speedy and helpful. Restriction to the family pond means that I am doing more crosswords. I look forward to returning to the circus and juggling the ball on my nose.

My very best wishes
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8th April 2020, 09:48
Williamseal, glad I could help - and thanks for your kind words. Like most people, I am trying to keep life as normal as possible within the current restrictions - not easy!
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8th April 2020, 23:14
Have managed to finish this but there's one clue I just can't make any sense of - I have an answer which is a plant, a mayfly and an artificial fishing fly - the one thing it doesn't seem to be is 'mother of Uranus'

9d Plan(e)t poet's declared mother of Uranus (5)

I put the E in 'Planet' in brackets because I think it's the extra letter - help please!
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8th April 2020, 23:20
Hi brendan, sed + Ge (aka Gaea).
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8th April 2020, 23:22
Thanks Ginge, you're a star. I really enjoyed this, even though it was difficult, but that made finishing it and, more importantly, understanding it, all the more satisfying. Looking forward to this weeks, if you don't mind:-)
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