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29th March 2020, 03:09
Completed the puzzle. But I can’t fully parse the clue 12a. Shady past I understand as anagram. But why is he seen in brothel? Other clues are all fine and nice.
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29th March 2020, 03:34
12a: I get it now! Last five letters is a slang for a customer in a brothel!
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29th March 2020, 07:24
Can't for the life of me think of 8 ac
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29th March 2020, 07:25
Just got it ,, a bit dodgy
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29th March 2020, 07:26
A recent British PM name with 5 letters less B!
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29th March 2020, 08:55
Done but I can’t parse 18d. I know the answer is a mountainous place and I can see the first two letters (I think) thanks to Cuba, but I can’t work out what in the clue - apart from another mountainous place - gives the last five letters.

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29th March 2020, 09:01
Hi Richard
Think of Cuba as one letter, not two, then see what's left in the answer (six letters, not five).
Whizzed through today. I guess the setter is taking pity on us, but could have done with something a bit more tortuous (for once) to pass the time. Stay safe everyone.
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29th March 2020, 09:23
Thanks Phil, cannot believe I missed that! Especially with that country being so sadly in the news at the moment.

I agree I could have done with some more challenges this week, albeit the massive backlog of home DIY suggests there’s perchance more for me to pass the time than cryptic crosswords.
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29th March 2020, 10:08
It was definitely an advantage that I'm writing from the answer! On the subject of DIY, I've been looking at the textured wallpaper in my lounge all week and thinking, 'Well, no excuse now.' It's amazing how enthralling daytime TV can become, though!
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29th March 2020, 10:21
Only one phrase seems to fit for 4d, but I can't see either definition or wordplay.
I also had problems seeing 12a and 18d explanations = thanks for the earlier clarifications.
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