Hi aristo, I only gave a part solution as I seem to recall on previous RT threads that hints are preferred unless specific parsing is asked for (not a puzzle I do).
Morning each, Mr Seldom seen and always behind here. Hope you're all surviving well. I'm stuck down in the SW corner.
A hint would help for 23ac Arms beside English river for Swiss route. (6,3) All I have is ???S?A ??? That should help me with the two missing crossers. I can't even isolate the definition. Thanks in anticipation
You need a five-letter word for 'arms' (not weapons, not limbs, think of 'coat of'...') followed by a four-letter English river. If the word is then made 6,3, you'd have a Swiss route.
Many thanks Mondrian. I'd really got bogged down on that one. It didn't help that I was interspersing that with the Guardian cryptic & the enigma while trying to give my wife hints on the Guardian quick xword.
Sounds complicated I know but going away &returnig helps. The things we do to stave off brain rot!!!