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20th March 2020, 13:57
I must say I enjoyed this one, and the thematic activity.

I have all answers, but I am unsure about 24d. for which I have ?P?S?L?S

Clue runs: Smoked ham and half the apples showing small spots (8)

I can only parse this in part. I would appreciate any enlightenment
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20th March 2020, 14:02
I googled the first 5 letters of the answer and got this:

The 5 letter word is smoked or pickled pork belly
The 5 letter word refers to Italian word, a type of prosciutto, rather than German 5 letter word.

The last 3 letters come from apples.
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20th March 2020, 14:49
You have a wrong letter, Peter284 (the first 's').
I enjoyed the puzzle too.
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20th March 2020, 15:04

Many many thanks. All clarified.
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