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18th March 2020, 19:52
Hello! I am here with what may be an unusual plea for help. Would anybody be willing to lend a newbie a hand?

A book that I recently read, "Spellbook of the Lost and Found" by Moira Fowley-Doyle, has a cryptic crossword created by the author at its end. The words are centred around themes found in the book which makes things a bit more difficult, but some key themes are magic, lost and found things, religion (St Jude, patron saint of the lost is mentioned frequently), the river Styx, coming of age, unexpected guests, secrets. I am very determined to solve it, but am only a cryptic crosswords beginner and I've not even figured one of the answers out with any certainty.

I am, unfortunately, not allowed to post the link to the crossword. However, googling "spellbook of the lost and found crossword" or "cryptic crossword of the lost and found" should come up with a direct link to the print-friendly .pdf version.

I would be immensely grateful for any help!
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18th March 2020, 23:01
Hi Lana,

23d Tina isn't wrong (4) -

Definition "Isn't" - an anagram 'wrong'

1d Lose the ties of bondage in a no honey zone (2,4)

Definition "Lose the ties of bondage" - a homophone of a maker of 'honey' and what it would be in an area where there were none.

2d Left nothing on the street with 24a, damned

Definition "damned" when added to 24a - 1 letter abbr. of "left" + 1 letter abbr. for "nothing" + 2 letter abbr. for "street".

24a Sounds like the only fish in the seas has the blues (4)

Definition "blues" - homophone (sounds like) of a word meaning both "only" and of a (flat) "fish".
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