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18th March 2020, 01:48
Help appreciated parsing this....

15d Strength to take a seat, over 90 outside (9) - INTENSITY (Strength)

I can see "sit" in there and "ten" but nothing that relates to "over 90" - what am I missing?
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18th March 2020, 01:53

21a Stratford's uncovered grass (3) - RAT (Grass)

I can see (st)RAT(ford) but whenever I've seen this "uncovered" device used in the past, the answer has always been in the middle - is there something else going on?
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18th March 2020, 01:54
Ignore 15a - I've just seen it's an anagram.
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18th March 2020, 06:54
Brendan, I think the Rat clue is not very good, but technically OK. Stratford does get 'uncovered', it loses lots of its outer letters - but it's not as neat, good as it could have been. I've seen similar clues before.
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18th March 2020, 07:08
Thanks Malone, that's a tad disappointing:-(

Still, my attention has already switched to Harpers - I've never tried one before but I'll give it a go:-)
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