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14th March 2020, 08:45
Well done Aristo. A classic!

Cheers P. And get well soon.

Thanks fir the mentions Chris and Mattrom.

Reminds me of a true story. I was briefly going out with a Brazillian girl. Things were not working out at all and I knew we had to part. Then she seemed to miss a period. Disaster. Then within a week her system was back to normal.

Thatโ€™s what I called a close shave with a Brazillian....

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14th March 2020, 08:56
Malcolm / thanks for the info. Have applied to join the group!
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14th March 2020, 09:03
Paul - good stuff, always nice to have new blood ! There are plenty of really good compilers in it, though it's mainly individual clues posted. I look forward to seeing some posts from you !
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14th March 2020, 09:35
Congratulations Aristo, a worthy winner. Thanks to Pedagogue for officiating well in trying circumstances.

Very pleased to have garnered 3 votes, so, many thanks to Tyk51, Penda and Mattrom. Not forgetting mentions from Chrise, Aristo and Mattrom, much appreciated.
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14th March 2020, 12:59
Thanks so much for the votes, malcolmx, chrise, kt, paul, dorrien, and bigbad, for the mention, mattrom, and for hosting and the nifty prize, pedagogue.
malcolmx: See you in court. :)
rosalind: Have you ever watched The Big Bang Theory? The main character is obsessed with trains. Often very funny.
paul: You might have become a very different man- nose job, tummy tuck, calf implants...
pedagogue: Take care of yourself. You had us worried.
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14th March 2020, 18:35
Well done Aristo - thanks pedagogue. Your clip reminds me of the only time I was arrested! When I was nine my trainspotting mates and I weren`t content with just taking engine numbers - we had to `cab` the engine itself - this meant sneaking into the engine sheds and climbing up into the locomotive cabins - you could then put a `c` next to the engine number in your book. To get to the engine sheds meant crossing the main East Coast railway line just south of Doncaster Station. One day the railway police decided to round up all the kids who had trespassed into the sheds - I think they were more concerned with our safety than anything else. They let us go but took our names & addresses - a week later my parents got a visit from the police and I got a warning - I`ve been a reasonably good boy ever since! ๐Ÿ˜‡
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15th March 2020, 17:14
Congratulations Aristo
Cheers Pedagogue for hosting and a big thank you to Mattrom for the mention.
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15th March 2020, 18:17
well done aristo and thanks to pedagogue for hosting
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15th March 2020, 18:22
" I`ve been a reasonably good boy ever since! ๐Ÿ˜‡ "

Are you sure, tyke?????

I was banned from the Forum earlier today. Badge of honour, not done anything, honest. No flirting, no rude words.....

aristo, no not watched Big Bang Theory! Trains as interesting as gravel....

Am preparing to be quarantined for being over 70. "Angels and ministers of grace, defend us" (Shakespeare )
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