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9th March 2020, 16:08
Can anyone help please?
31d. Reddish-brown bird I can’t allow to be wingless (6)

There is probably a word that needs to removed.

For those who know the puzzle, my letters aren’t making much sense. No names are appearing.
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9th March 2020, 16:11
Cloverjo. The definition is 'reddish-brown'. You need a short, common in crosswords, bird, then a short word in the clue, then the usual 'wingless' of the word 'can't'.
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9th March 2020, 16:17
For the names … I'd never heard of the middle one! The last one was the easiest to spot, having some distinctive letters...
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9th March 2020, 16:18
Thanks, malone.
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9th March 2020, 16:57
You're welcome, cloverjo. Hope it helps.
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9th March 2020, 17:23
I had my extra and missing letters mixed up so that’s why my names didn’t make any sense. Got the names now. Thanks.
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9th March 2020, 17:25
Thanks, Cloverjo. I initially felt quite daunted at the thought of getting all the names - a lot of clues, a lot of letters needed, from different means....
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10th March 2020, 07:13
I took a leap of faith with this when I correctly guessed from letters I had in what the opening of the quotation was. That gave me the first name and reading about that person led me to the remaining two. Like you Malone I had never heard of the second.
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