Today's crossword is a work of genius. Challenging, fun and humorous. 8 d and 4d are brilliant! Reminds me of the Everymans of old. Hope the setter keeps this standard up.
I’m of the mind that this the work of Paul, mainly because of the fish/doctor/politician thematic (sorry to be obtuse but don’t want to give answers away)
An 'axe' is another name for the second word - it comes up in crosswords every so often. I don't have a copy of the puzzle, I think the answer was a straight anagram.
Malone is correct. A straight anagram. Axe being a word for the instrument. Great fun today. Struggled to decide on 15d between options. I like the doubles in 10a and 13a. Not a fan of the 'primarily' of 2d. Once you've got the signpost it's easy.