Completed the grid, found the stolen object, know who the thief is and have found the location where it was found. However, I can't see the location on the grid where I have to return the object to. Any gentle hints appreciated. Thanks!
Ah. Thanks Malone, I'd spotted that most of the thief was there but was looking to move the thing out to another place in the grid rather than move something back into the void. I'll have another Paddington hard stare at the grid!
Having found and returned the subject to the void I'm sure you are absolutely spot on Malone. Thankyou.
Thoroughly enjoyed the puzzle and ended with only one ? re parsing for 8d. I know Pointer is the compiler....ah the penny has dropped. Funny how that happens. Now for the Listener *shudder*
Yes, this was a thoroughly enjoyable puzzle - and I even started a thread to say so. You and I must have been typing at the same time, the posts came in together.