Mum`s got dementia, she`s 92 and has had a succession of serious falls in recent years, so, reluctantly, we`ve had to put her into a care home and we`re pleased she has settled in really well. I visit most days, she knows us and likes to talk about the old days - every now and then she comes out with a good word ... `pontificate`was one the other day!
I had to give my date of birth to someone over the phone recently. A simple enough task but I hesitated, wondering what format I should give it in, the year could be `51 or 1951. I think we`ve all had the experience of filling in forms, especially online, where you`re not sure how to input the information. I`ve since discovered that hesitancy in giving answers is one of the tests for dementia - in future I intend to blurt out the answer quickly and let the person asking questions worry about how to input it!