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28th February 2020, 17:27
Thank you penda and tyke!

41 of 55  -   Report This Post


28th February 2020, 19:06
As folks have mentioned, some great clues ! Just waiting for Mattrom and Hannah now
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28th February 2020, 19:29
Good morning all. Liked lots, especially the cheeky ones, JWS 21 and SW 6, also FJ's golfing 29

Voting for aristo #23
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28th February 2020, 20:11
I'm still quite new to this - what's the etiquette on how long to wait for the last voter ?
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28th February 2020, 20:42
Okay then guys. I'm going to use my discretion and call this in.
We had 27 clues from 12 different setters, and lots of clever ( and smutty ) ways of arriving at COARSE. Lots of co - runners up on one vote , namely Hannah @17, Mattrom @26, Spike2 @19, jws @21 and FieryJack @25. But we have a neck and neck situation at the top of the leader board, with both Skyewalker @6 and Aristophanes @23 on 3 votes each. Personally, my second place would have gone to Mattrom's @8, and my first choice was.....Aristo's @23 :

" Primitive paddles used in dugout canoe "

So well done Aristo, and commiserations to SW. Both cracking clues though !
I suppose this week's prize will just have to something rude....
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28th February 2020, 21:59
Good clue Aristo - thanks Malcolm
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28th February 2020, 22:01
Well done, Aristo, and thank you very much for your vote.
Thanks also to Tyke, Paul, FJ, SW, and Malcolm for the mentions.
Cheers, Malcolm, enjoyed the challenge.
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28th February 2020, 22:03
Sorry folks, late night and slept through the voting deadline

My vote would not have affected the outcome . . Rosalind #4

The voting did reflect the closeness of the contest

Thanks for the mentions
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28th February 2020, 22:07
Congratulations, Aristophanes. Thanks for officiating, Malcolmxword.

Big thanks to Rosalind for the vote, and to Nemo and Paul for the mentions.
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28th February 2020, 22:07
Well done, Aristo. Richly deserved. A big thank you to Nemo, Paul and FJ, for the votes, and to Aristo, Rosalind, Spike and Mattrom, for the mentions. Sincerely appreciated. (Hope I haven't missed anyone out - if so, apologies). Thanks, Malcolm, for running the show.

Of necessity, my contributions in the near future may be intermittent (as opposed to non-existent as they have been until now, this month). I'll shove my oar in when I can. Before anyone asks, my health is fine (well, as fine as anyone of my age who has abused their body over several decades can expect).

Best wishes, all.

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