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4th March 2020, 13:03
I’ve been having the same problem with my iPhone on this site. The problem isn’t so much that the ad banner appears, as such; it’s that it then adheres to the screen at that point and scrolls up and down with it, leaving the vacuum it has left to be refilled by the same ad. The more you scroll, the more copies of the ad end up entering the screen at that point and wallpapering it. Is this possibly a software issue, rather than the advertisers? Especially since someone has said that Android doesn’t have the same problem?
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4th March 2020, 18:57
Hi Essay, I tried to use the site on an iPhone and experienced exactly the same thing. Multiple copies of the same ad all over the things you're trying to read. Meanwhile on a bigger screen android device the ads stay where they're supposed to be. Still there but not over the text. I'll try it on a smaller screen android phone but I suspect you are right, the software isn't coping with text wrapping and ads are appearing overlaying the content rather than fitting into it.
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6th March 2020, 11:06
Has this actually been solved?! I think it has! Hurray! Thanks for backing me up granama1 ! And thanks to whoever solved it... hope I’m not speaking too soon.
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