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22nd January 2020, 04:35
This Listener had a cricket theme with Roman numerals IVXLC and O representing the score of an entry. Any occurrences of those letters are to be removed with the subsidiary part giving the entry. The enumerations given are for the entry, so the solver is not given the actual answer length.

For example: Captain who will sack a fool always (7)
Answer PRIVATEER (captain who will sack) => PRATEER (prat + eer) with IV removed.

I need help with one clue:

With brilliant light clothing are entering day by day (5)

I have _UNAD

SUNAD seems to fit the last part of the clue but I cannot determine any answer that gives that when you remove all IVXLCO's.

The only word I can find with TEA is DUNCIAD but that does not make sense for any definition or wordplay.

Maybe someone out there has the solution which would have appeared in 3165...
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22nd January 2020, 05:23
Chambers has it as 'clothed in radiant light'
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22nd January 2020, 06:41
Perfect! Thanks!
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