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21st January 2020, 14:39
13a It's getting warmer -1°C each century principally apparently. The only thing that will fit is ice cap. Why does 1°C equal ic, please?
e and c are the principal letters of each and century but why is ap short for apparently, please?
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21st January 2020, 15:18
In my Chambers Crossword Dictionary ap is given as an acceptable abbreviation for apparently.
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21st January 2020, 15:18
Ignore the degree sign.
ap is abbrev. for apparently (Chambers confirms)
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21st January 2020, 15:20
'ap' is given by Chambers as an abbreviation for 'apparently' (and 'apparent'), so it's legit, although I'm surprised to see it in a DM crossword, where one expects a rather less 'rich' (ie obscure!) abbreviation palette to be used.

'1' and 'I' are treated as interchangeable in puzzles ('I' being the equivalent Roman numeral to the Arabic '1'), but I cannot justify the replacement of '°C' with 'C'.
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22nd January 2020, 18:03
I thought this a very iffy clue too.
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