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19th January 2020, 16:28
Struggled with this today. Mainly because I wrote Art Garfunkel for 15a without really thinking about it, which threw me for a while as the other clues seemed incomprehensible!
Anyway, I’m left with just 16d, and have -o-h-c and can only think gothic, but cannot see why it should be.
Answer please, or very easy clue! Quite tired now.....
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19th January 2020, 16:31
It's always good to give the clue - then those of us without a copy can help/try to help!
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19th January 2020, 16:42
16d Baffled by drunken noise of moody teenager (6)

You're right Ruby, it's GOTHIC....

Baffled by = GOT (I thought this was odd but I checked the FreeOnline dictionary and it is there as "to puzzle, baffle")

Drunken noise = HIC

Definition = Moody Teenager
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