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29th December 2019, 14:01
Would welcome tips on 26A. I have .O.E. T.A.N and am thinking word 2 is train. Tips welcome.
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29th December 2019, 14:05
John, we'd welcome clues! Not everyone has a copy. PS It's a good idea too to say which puzzle it is, clueing styles and difficulty levels vary.
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29th December 2019, 14:11
My apologies.

Observer Everyman 3,820.
Clue is "Following fashion, vacuous lightweight to fall for small diversion and I have .O.E. T.A.N

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29th December 2019, 14:15
Assuming this is Everyman. you've got the second word right. The first word ends in L (vacuous "lightweight" gives L and T which starts the second word). The first 4 letters now come from something meaning "fashion".

So now you're lookong for something which can be seen as a small diversion. Think toys....
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29th December 2019, 14:17
Thanks, John.

You need a four-letter word for 'fashion', and also a four-letter word meaning 'to fall' (weatherwise)'. 'Vacuous lightweight' results in two letters, 'vacuous' being a common crossword device. This goes in between the two four-letter words. The final answer is a 'small diversion'.

PS ??? for the blanks is easier on the eyes!
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29th December 2019, 14:48
Thanks Smot - got it now.

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29th December 2019, 14:53
Glad you got, johnpuzzle.
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